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1873-1879  1880-1889 1890-1899 1900-1909 

          1910-1919  1920-1924 1925-1929  1930-1934, 1935-1939,  1940-1949

8. 1930-1934


  • "Cathode-Ray Television Receiver Developped", Scientific American, 142, February 1930, p.147.

  • FARNSWORTH, P.T. and LUBCKE, L., "The Transmission of Television Images", California Engineer, 8:5, February 1930, 12-33.

  • BARTHELEMY, R., "L'émission en télévision", Conférence faite à la S.A.T.S.F., séance du 5 juin 1930, L'Onde électrique, janvier 1931, pp.5-35

  • SHUMAKER, E.E., "Television", Projection Engineering, November 1930

  • FARNSWORTH, P.T., "An Electrical Scanning System for Television: Another Vacuum Tube Development", Radio-Craft 2, December 1930, pp.346-349.


  • AISBERG, E., Télévision et phototélégraphie, Etienne Chiron, Paris, 1930

  • ARDENNE, M. von,  Funk-Empfangs-Technik. Bildübertragung, Fernsehen, Tonfilm, Rothgiesser & Diesing, Berlin, 1930 1. Aufl. Gr.-8°. 352 S. mit 330 Diagrammen und sw. Abb

  • BANNEITZ, Fritz (Hrsg.): Fernsehen. Zeitschrift für Technik und Kultur des gesamten elektrischen Fernsehwesens. Offizielles Organ des Allgemeinen Deutschen Fernsehvereins e.V. , Reckemdorf, Berlin, 1930. 1.Jg. 12 Hefte in 1 Bd. Gr.8°. VIII,544

  • BARNARD, G.P., The selenium cell: its properties and applications, Constable, London, 1930.

  • HERBERT R., Seeing by wireless (A John L. Baird's Biography), London, 1930.

  • IVES, H.E., "Television in Colors by a Beam Scanning Method", Journal of the Optical Society of America, 20, January 1930.

  • JASPERSE, D., Draadloze Beeldtelegrafie. Practische Handleiding voor den amateur tot het vervaardigen van den beeldontvanger, Leidsche Uitgeversmaatschappij, Leiden, 1930, 58 p. 

  • KORN A., Elektrisches Fernsehen, Verlag Otto Salle, Berlin, 1930.

  • MOSELEY, Sydney A and CHAPPLE, H, J, Barton, Television Today and Tomorrow, First edition, London, 1930, 128 pages

  • NEUBERGER, A., "Das Kineskop, ein neuer Fernseher", Fernsehen, 4, 1930.

  • STRANGER, Ralph, Seeing By Wireless (Television), George Newnes, London, 1930.

  • SWINTON, (Alan A. Campbell),  Autobiographical and other writings, London, 1930.

  • The Baird Televisor, Brochure of Baird Television Ltd, 4 pp., 1930.

  • Transmission and Reception of Pictures by Radio, National Radio Institute, 1930.



  • FARNSWORTH, T.P., "Scanning with an Electric Pencil", Television News, 1, March-April 1931.

  • BARTHELEMY, R., "La réception en télévision", Conférence faite à l'Ecole supérieure d'Electricité, 14 avril 1931, in L'onde électrique, 1931, pp. 283-354.

  • CASTELFRANCHI, G., Televisione. Le basi fisiche del "Radiovedere", Ulrico Hoelpi Editore, Milano, 1931.

  • CRAWLEY, Ch., From Telegraphy to Television: The Story of Electrical Communication, Warne, London, 1931.

  • LEROY, P., Onde électrique, Radioélectricité et ses applications scientifiques et techniques (Télégraphie, Téléphonie, Télévision, etc…), E.Chiron, Paris, Juin 1931.

  • MOSELEY, S.A. and CHAPPLE, H.J. Barton,  Television Today and Tomorrow, 2nd ed., with a foreword by J.L. Baird,  London, 1931.



  • BALLARD R.C. "Television System" Filed July 19 1932 US Patent 2,152,234, March 28 1939

  • DINSDALE, A., "Television in America today", Journal of the Television Society, 1932, pp. 137-149.


  • BANNEWITZ F. (Hsg.), Fernsehen und Tonfilm. Zeitschrift für Technik und Kultur des Fernsehwesens und des Tonfilms, Offizielles Organ des Allgemeinen Deutschen Fernsehvereins e. V., Berlin, Hermann Reckendorf, 1932

  • Radio, Bildfunk, Fernsehen für Alle. Unabhängige Zeitschrift für Radiotechnik und Radiosport. Hrsg. H. Günther. Bd. 11. Stgt. Franckh. (1932). 4°. XIII, 568 S. Mit 550 Abb.

  • VAN DYCK, J.G.R., La télévision expérimentale, Dunod, Paris, 1932.


  • ENGSTROM, E.W., "An experimental television system", Proc. IRE, December 1933, 21, (12), pp. 1652-1654.

  • WILSON J.C., "The Theory of the Kerr Cell", Television, December 1933, pp. 421-422.

  • AISBERG, E. et ASCHEN, R., Théorie et pratique de la télévision, Etienne Chiron, Paris, 1933.
  • CHAPPLE, H.J.B., Television for the Amateur Constructor, Pitman, London, 1933
  • FREDRICK COLLINS, A., Experimental TelevisionSir Isaac Pitman & Sons, London, 1933  Recension in Television, August 1934, p.356

  • HEMARDINQUER, P., La télévision et ses progrès, Dunod, Paris, 1933.   Recension in Television, August 1934, p.356

  • MESNY, R., Télévision et transmission des images. Paris, Colin, 1933. 216pp, 97 ills.

  • MORECROFT, j.H., Electron Tubes and Their Application,  John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1933, 458pp,

  • TILTMAN, R.F., Baird of Television. The life story of John Logie Baird, Seeley, Service & Co.: London, 1933.

  • ZWORYKIN, V.K., "Television with cathode ray tube", J.IEE, 1933, 73, pp.437-451.


  • "An Amateur Transmitter", TelevisionMarch 1934 and April 1934

  • BIRCKINSHAW D.C., "The BBC's New Television Studio. An Official and Exclusive Description", Television, April 1934, pp.140-144 

  • "German ultra-shot waves transmission", Television, April 1934, pp.148.

  • "A Baird Mirror Drum in South-West  London", Television, April 1934, pp.154.

  • "The first lensed disc visor for the amateur", Television, April 1934, pp.155-

  • "The Baird Company's great achievment. Success on Ultra-short Waves", Television, April 1934, pp.161.


  • "Mechanical Scanning Systems", Television, April 1934, pp.162.

  • ENGSTROM E.W., "Television Image. An experimental method to obtain data", Television, April 1934, pp.167-170.


  • WALTON, G.W., "Picture with Sound Transmission", Patent 403397, Television, April 1934, pp.165. 

  • DESMOND R., "Recognising defects in television image"Television, May 1934, pp.191-194.

  • "A set for simple television in any part of the country", Television, May 1934, pp.196-198

  • "A simple method for making a scanning disc"Television, May 1934, pp.203-204

  • "Details of New Television Experimental Service from Berlin", Television, May 1934, p. 214.

  • "A Double Time Base for Cathodic Ray Television", Television, May 1934, p.219-222.

  • "Making a Film Scanner", Television, June 1934, p.239-240

  • BAILY, L., "Public Address Television", Television, June 1934, p.240

  • "De Forest praises vision in Europe", Television, June 1934, p.241

  • ROBBE E., "Putting Television in the Radio Programmes", Television, June 1934, p.242-245, 280

  • MARCONI'S WIRELESS TELEGRAPH Co, A "Non-Scanning System", Patent 406 368, Television, June 1934, p.251

  • MARCONI'S WIRELESS TELEGRAPH Co, "Cathode-Ray Systems", Patent 407 409, Television, June 1934, p.252

  • COMPAGNIE POUR LA FABRICATION DES COMPTEURS ET MATERIELS D'USINE A GAZ, "Film Television", Patent 407 230, Television, June 1934, p.251-252

  • "Television and Ultra-Short Waves", Television, June 1934, p.256-258

  • "A Test of Low-priced Disc Set", Television, June 1934, p.267

  • WILSON, J.C., "Trichromatic Reproduction in Television", Television, June 1934, p.268-272 ; Television, July 1934, p.313, 326

  • "Looking in with a stationary mirror drum. A test of Mihaly apparatus", Television, July 1934, p.294, 296

  • JOWERS, K., "Using your ordinary set with a disc machine", Television, July 1934, p.291-293.

  • "Amateur transmission in Lancashire", Television, July 1934, p.291-293.

  • "The Frequency Band Problem in Television", Television, July 1934, p.297-298, 326, August 1934, p.372, 374

  • "Cathod-Ray Tube", Patent 408 297, Television, July 1934, p.300

  • "Setting Up a Mirror Screw", Television, July 1934, p.303

  • "Fluorescence. What it is", Television, July 1934, p.318-319

  • "Building the Cathore-Ray Tube Supply Unit", Television, July 1934, pp.320-321.

  • BROLLY, A.H., "Television by Electronic Methods", Electrical Engineering, 53, August 1934, 1, pp.153-160.

  • "Scophony Projected Picture. 120 lines Adequate dor the Home", Television, August 1934, p.332

  • "Thirty-Line Transmission to Continue", Television, August 1934, p.332

  • "The Hughes Television System", Television, August 1934, p.333-338.

  • "An Amateur Experimental Transmitter", Television, August 1934, p.341-343, 376.

  • LEMON, C.G., "The Photo-Electric Cell Simply Explained", Television, August 1934, p.347-350.

  • "A Mass Production Disc Receiver of Novel Design", Television, August 1934, p.363

  • "How Many Lines ?", Television, August 1934, p.364-366

  • "Rapid Progress in American Television', Television, August 1934, p.370

  • "The simplest mirror-drum receiver", Television, September 1934, pp.380-383

  • HUGHES, R.W., "Continuous Oscillating Scanning", Television, September 1934, pp.385-386.

  • WENSTROM, W.H., "This Matter of Definition", Television, September 1934, pp.387-388.

  • "Loewe Television demonstrated in London", Television, September 1934, pp.391-392.

  • "Television in Japan", Television, September 1934, p. 414


  • PARR G., "Improvements in Cathode-Ray Tubes", Television, September 1934, p. 418, 420

  • FARNSWORTH, P.T., "Television by Electron Image Scanning", Journal of the Franklin Institute, 218, 4, October 1934, pp. 411-444.

  • "Screen Pictures with a Disc Receiver", Television, October 1934, pp.428-430.

  • "BBC's Improved 30 lines service", Television, October 1934, p.431

  • "John L. Baird talks to the Amateur", Television, October 1934, Couverture, pp.438-439

  • "Cathode-Ray Television Pictorially Explained", Television, October 1934, pp.442-443.

  • TRAUB E.H. "How Far has Germany Progressed ?", Television, October 1934, pp.453-456.

  • REYNER J.H., "We need medium definition transmission", Television, October 1934, p.457-458.

  • "Completing and operating the amateur transmitter", Television, October 1934, p.464-466.

  • HERGENROTHER, R.C., "The Farnsworth Electronic Television System", Journal of the Television Society, 1, December 1934, pp. 384-388.

  • [BAILEY, Harold]. A Brief Survey - Television for the Home.[For the Author]. Manchester. [1934]. ff. 16.

  • BAKER, Thorten T., The Kingdom of the Camera, G. Bell & Sons Ltd., London, 1934.

  • BOLL, M.,  Idées nouvelles sur l'electron, les piles, les dynamos, l'alternatif, l'induction, la radio, télévision, ultrasons, Larousse, Paris,  1934 180 gravures.

  • CAMM, F.J., Television and short-wave handbook, L:Newnes, 1934, 256pp. 230 illustrations, including 24 half-tone plates.

  • CHAPPLE, H.J.B., Television for the Amateur Constructor, Pitman, London, 2nd edition augmented, 1934

  • FURLANI, G., La televisione, La Editoriale Libraria, Trieste, 2nd edizione, 1934.

  • KWAL, B., Les bases physiques de la télévision, E. Chiron, 1934.

  • MOSELEY, A. and BARTON CHAPPLE H.J.,, Television To-day and Tomorrow, 4th edition, Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, London, 1934. Recension in Television, August 1934, p.356

  • REYNER J.H., Television. Theory and Practice, Chapmann and Hall, London, 1934. (Compte-rendu in Television, July 1934, p.290).

  • THUN, R., Fernsehen und Bildfunk, Franck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, 1934

  • ZWORYKIN, V.K. and WILSON, E.D., Photocells, Second Edition, Revised Printing Wiley, New York, 1934,  xv + 348pp

1873-1879  1880-1889 1890-1899 1900-1909 

          1910-1919  1920-1924 1925-1929  1930-1934, 1935-1939,  1940-1949


  • MAC ORLAN, P., "Etat du ciel", Lumière et Radio, 10 décembre 1930, pp.1-2.

Olympia Figaro 2 novembre 1930.JPG

"La télévision", démonstration à l'Olympia",

Le Figaro, 2 novembre 1930




Maquillage pour les premières dramatiques TV

potentialities of television.jpg

D.L. Ghilchip, "Potentialities of Television", 1932

Source : Wallace Collection

Photo Television News September 1931c.jpg

Photo d'un écran prise par H.E. Burket, amateur à Chicago (Television News, September-October 1931)



  • "Spectator", Last Month's Programmes, Television, December 1933, pp.414-416

Inventore italiano Gen 1933.png

Photographie transmise entre Cophenhague et Rome 15 Avril 1932 (L'inventore italiano, Gennaio 1933)


The Baltimore Sun, 1933


  • FLEMING Sir A., "Invention in relation to national welfare and legislative control", Presidential Adress to the Television Society, TelevisionApril 1934, p.178.

  • "What the BBC should do", Television, May 1934, pp.188-191.

  • "Comments of the Month - The P.M.G. Committe", Television, June 1934, p.235

  • "The Television Policy that public wants", Television, June 1934, p.236-237

  • "Facts and Figures of public opinion", Television, July 1934, p.284

  • "Television and the Stage", Television, July 1934, p.288.

  • "Are the programmes too ambitious ?", Television, August 1934, p.339-340.

  • SCOTT FITZGERALD F. Tender is the Night, Charles Scribnet's, 1934

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