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WILSON, J.C., "Trichromatic Reproduction in Television", Television, June 1934, p.268-272 ; Television, July 1934, p.313, 326
MOUSSERON, G., "Où en est en France la télévision ?", Le monde illustré, 16 juin 1934.
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"The Frequency Band Problem in Television", Television, July 1934, p.297-298, 326, August 1934, p.372, 374
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"Le nouveau téléviseur Telefunken à rayons cathodiques", La Nature, 15 août 1934, p.185
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"The Hughes Television System", Television, August 1934, p.333-338.
"An Amateur Experimental Transmitter", Television, August 1934, p.341-343, 376.
LEMON, C.G., "The Photo-Electric Cell Simply Explained", Television, August 1934, p.347-350.
"A Mass Production Disc Receiver of Novel Design", Television, August 1934, p.363
"How Many Lines ?", Television, August 1934, p.364-366
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"The simplest mirror-drum receiver", Television, September 1934, pp.380-383
HUGHES, R.W., "Continuous Oscillating Scanning", Television, September 1934, pp.385-386.
WENSTROM, W.H., "This Matter of Definition", Television, September 1934, pp.387-388.
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"Television in Japan", Television, September 1934, p. 414
PARR G., "Improvements in Cathode-Ray Tubes", Television, September 1934, p. 418, 420
FARNSWORTH, P.T., "Television by Electron Image Scanning", Journal of the Franklin Institute, 218, 4, October 1934, pp. 411-444.
"Screen Pictures with a Disc Receiver", Television, October 1934, pp.428-430.
"BBC's Improved 30 lines service", Television, October 1934, p.431
"John L. Baird talks to the Amateur", Television, October 1934, Couverture, pp.438-439
"Cathode-Ray Television Pictorially Explained", Television, October 1934, pp.442-443.
TRAUB E.H. "How Far has Germany Progressed ?", Television, October 1934, pp.453-456.
REYNER J.H., "We need medium definition transmission", Television, October 1934, p.457-458.
"Completing and operating the amateur transmitter", Television, October 1934, p.464-466.
HERGENROTHER, R.C., "The Farnsworth Electronic Television System", Journal of the Television Society, 1, December 1934, pp. 384-388.
[BAILEY, Harold]. A Brief Survey - Television for the Home.[For the Author]. Manchester. [1934]. ff. 16.
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BOLL, M., Idées nouvelles sur l'electron, les piles, les dynamos, l'alternatif, l'induction, la radio, télévision, ultrasons, Larousse, Paris, 1934 180 gravures.
CAMM, F.J., Television and short-wave handbook, L:Newnes, 1934, 256pp. 230 illustrations, including 24 half-tone plates.
CHAPPLE, H.J.B., Television for the Amateur Constructor, Pitman, London, 2nd edition augmented, 1934
FURLANI, G., La televisione, La Editoriale Libraria, Trieste, 2nd edizione, 1934.
KWAL, B., Les bases physiques de la télévision, E. Chiron, 1934.
MOSELEY, A. and BARTON CHAPPLE H.J.,, Television To-day and Tomorrow, 4th edition, Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, London, 1934. Recension in Television, August 1934, p.356
REYNER J.H., Television. Theory and Practice, Chapmann and Hall, London, 1934. (Compte-rendu in Television, July 1934, p.290).
THUN, R., Fernsehen und Bildfunk, Franck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, 1934
ZWORYKIN, V.K. and WILSON, E.D., Photocells, Second Edition, Revised Printing Wiley, New York, 1934, xv + 348pp
1873-1879 1880-1889 1890-1899 1900-1909
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"La télévision", démonstration à l'Olympia",
Le Figaro, 2 novembre 1930

Ives's Two-Way Television in "Talk, Ear, SEE on this Phone", Popular Science, July 1930
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"Un exposé de M. Guernier sur le statut de la radiodiffusion", Le Matin, 29 mai 1931
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Maquillage pour les premières dramatiques TV

D.L. Ghilchip, "Potentialities of Television", 1932
Source : Wallace Collection

Photo d'un écran prise par H.E. Burket, amateur à Chicago (Television News, September-October 1931)
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Photographie transmise entre Cophenhague et Rome 15 Avril 1932 (L'inventore italiano, Gennaio 1933)

The Baltimore Sun, 1933
"Review of the programmes and reception reports", Television April, 1934, pp.153-154 ; May 1934, pp. 211-212, June 1934, pp.263-264, July 1934, p.295, August 1934, p.357-358, September 1934, p.411-412. October 1934, pp.451-452
FLEMING Sir A., "Invention in relation to national welfare and legislative control", Presidential Adress to the Television Society, Television, April 1934, p.178.
"What the BBC should do", Television, May 1934, pp.188-191.
"Comments of the Month - The P.M.G. Committe", Television, June 1934, p.235
"The Television Policy that public wants", Television, June 1934, p.236-237
"Facts and Figures of public opinion", Television, July 1934, p.284
"Television and the Stage", Television, July 1934, p.288.
"Are the programmes too ambitious ?", Television, August 1934, p.339-340.
"Television and Advertising", Television, London, August 1934, p.371
Paul OTLET, Traité de Documentation: le Livre sur le Livre. Théorie et Pratique. [IIB Publication N° 197]; Editiones Mundaneum, Palais Mondial, Bruxelles: D. Van Keerberghen et fils, 1934
"La télévision permet d'acheter à distance", Le Monde illustré, 17 novembre 1934
SCOTT FITZGERALD F. Tender is the Night, Charles Scribnet's, 1934