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9. 1935-1939
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WILSON, J.C., "Twenty Five Years Change in Television", Journal of the Television Society, London, 2, 1935, 88.
BEDOURA, Henry, La télévision, Texte polycopié, Conservatoire des Arts et Metiers, Paris, 1935 In 4, 24 pp.
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CHAPPLE, H.J. Barton, Popular Television, Pitman, London, 1935
DOWDING, G.V., Book of Practical Television, Amalgamated Press Ltd., London, 1935.
MOLLOY, E. (ed.), Television Today: Practice and Principles clearly explained, 2 vol., G. Newnes, London, 1935.
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WEST ( & Others), A.G.D: Television Today. Practice & Principles Clearly Explained, George Newnes Ltd. 1st edition, London, N.D. c. 1935. Two volumes. Quarto. 776pp. Illustrated throughout
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"Emploi d'un poste émetteur de télévision", La Nature, 15 novembre 1936, p.478
"Experimental Coaxial Cable Installation", Telephony the American Telephone Journal, 7 March 1036.
FARNSWORTH, P.T., "An Improved Television Camera", Radio-Craft, 8, August 1936, 92, 113.
"Farnsworth Television Receiver", Radio Engineering, 16, September 1936, pp.14-15.
GOLDSCHMIDT A. (ed.), Television, Radio Corporation of America, vol;1, 1936.
GRADENWITZ, A., "Nouveaux essais de télévision à haute-définition. Expérience de Monsieur Von Ardenne sur l'emploi des rayons cathodiques pour l'exploration au poste transmetteur", La Nature, 1er juin 1936, pp.504-505
HALLORAN, Arthur M., Television with Cathode-Rays, Pacific Radio Pubs, 1936.
HEMARDINQUER, P., "La télévision. Premières réalisations du réseau d'Etat français", La Nature, 1er janvier 1936, pp.1-3.
HEMARDINQUER, P., "La télévision cathodique et les progrès de l'oscillographie cathodique", La Nature, 1er février 1936, pp.105-113.
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KERKHOF- PAOKT, F., Moderne Grfraster. Televisie voor den amateur, 'S-Gravenhage, 1936, 92 pp.
LEWIS, E.J.G., Television Technical Terms and Definitions, Pitman, London, 1936
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MOYER, James A. and WOSTREL , John F,. Radio Receiving and Television Tubes; including applications for distant control of industrial processes...precision measurement, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1936. '>
MYERS, L.M., Television Optics: An Introduction, Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, London, 1936.
POSTMASTER-GENERAL. Report of the Broadcasting Committee 1935, HMSO, London, 1936. 77pp
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"Réception des émissions de télévision", La Nature, 15 mai 1936, p.486.
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WEST, AG.D. & Others, Television Today. Practice & Principles Clearly Explained. George Newnes Ltd. 1st edition, London, N.D. c. 1935. Two volumes. Quarto. 776pp.
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H.P., "L'organisation des émissions de télévision en Angleterre", La Nature, 15 janvier 1935, p.91
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BARTHELEMY, R., "Les derniers perfectionnements apportés à la télévision", Communication à la Société des Radioélectriciens, 17 mars 1937, Le Génie civil, n.110, 17 avril 1937, p.361.
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"Television Demonstration at the Fall Convention", Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers, December 1937, pp.596-602.
"Europe points the way in Television. An interview with Allen B. DuMont" Short Wave and Television, December 1937, pp. 409, 448-449
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GARRATT, G.R.M. (edited by), Television, H.M.S.O, London, 1937, 70pp.
GERNSBACK, H., The ABC of Television, Short Wave and Television, New York: 1937
BIRKINSHAW, D.C., Technical description of the Marconi-E.M.I.. System of Television at the London Television Station, 12 sections, The British Broadcasting Corporation, London, 1937.
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MATRAS, J.-J., Techniques de la radiodiffusion et de la télévision, Eyrolles, Paris, 1937.
McCABE, Joseph. Television - What is and how it works: A Non-Technical Account for Laymen. Girard, KS, Haldeman-Julius Publications, [1937]. 30p
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REYNER, J.H., Television, Second and Revised Edition, L:Chapman & Hall 1937 xi + 224pp + 6pp. advts. 23 half-tone plates plus 125 text-figs.
SARNOFF, D., et al., Television. Collected addresses and papers on the Future of the New Art and its Recent Technical Developments, RCA Institutes Technical Press, New York, 2 vol., 1936, 1937.
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SCHRÖTER, Dr. Fritz (Hrsg.): Fernsehen. Die neuere Entwicklung insbesondere der deutschen Fernsehtechnik. J. Springer, Berlin, 1937. VI,260 (2) S. Mit 228 fotografischen Textabbildungen und Diagrammen.
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ALBERT, A., Fundamental electronics & Vacuum tubes, Macmillan and Co, New York, 1938.
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CHAUVIERRE, M., La télévision. Les problèmes théoriques et pratiques de la télévision et leur solution, Dunod, Paris, 1938.
DENIS H., La télévision pratique, Editions Henri Denis, Verdun, 1938.
GÜNTHER, H., Das grosse Fernsehbuch, Frank'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung Stuttgart, 1938
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WALDROP, F.C. and BORKIN, J., Television: A Struggle for Power, 1938 (reprint by An Arno Press).
WALKER, R.C., Photoelectric cell applications, Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, Ltd, London, 1938
КoнтРУКЦИИ, 1938 (Vis à miroirs)
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BEITMAN, M.N., (compiler). Television Cyclopedia, Supreme Publications, Chicago, Copyright 1939, Reprinted 1941. (60)p.
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NOELl, (president), S. Q.. Modern Radio Vision Series. A Home Study and Reference System Embracing Radio and Television Science and Associated Fields, 3 vol., Universal Television System, Kansas City, 1939.
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VON ARDENNE, M., Cathode-Ray Tube, Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, London, 1939.
1873-1879 1880-1889 1890-1899 1900-1909
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GEORGE-EDWARD, "Progrès", Le Monde illustré, 18 janvier 1936

Publicité pour les récepteurs Admiral, Life, 5 March 1936

Benjamin, 13 février 1936
ARNHEIM, R., "Televisione. Domani sarà così", . Cinema, 20, 25 aprile 1937, pp. 337-338.
Egalement, dans sa version originale, ici
DERMEE Paul, "La télévision dans cinquante ans", Le Document, 340 ans de radio sous la direction d'Eugène Aisberg", mai 1937.
"Le monde en 1985. Nous aurons toute la terre chez nous grâce à la télévision...nous dit M. Barthélemy", L'Express de l'Est et des Vosges, 24 août 1935.
William H. PRIESS, "Home Television - Its Commercial Promise", Short Wave and Television, December 1937, pp.405, 440-441
"Television - Why and How by Dr. Alfred H. Goldsmith", Short Wave and Television, December 1937, pp.431, 464

Illustrations de "Television Demonstration at the Fall Convention", Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers, December 1937, pp.596-602.

L'Antenna, 15 Gennaio 1937
Comment préparer un disque de Nipkow in SCHEFFER, B., Do it Yourself Television, Moscou-Léningrad, 1937.
SARNOFF, A., "Probable Influences of Television on Society", in Journal of Applied Physics, n.10, July 1939.