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1873-1879  1880-1889 1890-1899 1900-1909 

          1910-1919  1920-1924 1925-1929  1930-1934, 1935-1939,  1940-1949


10. 1940-1949


CHAUVIERE, M., "Qui a inventé la télévision ?", La Liaison, n°127 et 128, 1940 (?)

FINK, D.G., 
Principles of Television Engineering. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1940. (>

LEEUWIN, La télévision expliquée, Etienne Chiron, Paris, 1940.

LOHR, Lenox R., Television Broadcasting Production, Economics, Technique, Foreword by David R. Sarnoff, McGraw Hill, New York 1940, 274pp.

ZWORYKIN, V.K. and MORTON, G.A. Morton,  Television. The Electronics of Image Transmission, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1940


GRIVET, P. et HERRENG P., La télévision, Collection "Que sais-je ?", n°3, Presses universitaires de France, Paris, 1930.

HYLANDER C.J. and HARDING R. Jr., An Introduction to Television, The MacMillan Company, New York, 1941 (> New Jersey Antique Radio Club Library)


BAIRD, J.L., "Stereophonic television", Electronic Engineering, February 1942,  pp.620-621.

Voilà la télévision, soyez prêt !, Editions Durand Girard, Lyon, 1942.

DE FOREST, Lee,  Television. Today and Tomorrow, The Dial Press, New York, 1942.

GOLDMARK, P.C., DYER, J.N., PIONE, E.R. and HOLLYWOOD, J.M., "Colour television", 
Proc. IRE, April 1942, pp.162-181.

PARR, G.,  The Cathode Ray Tube and Its Applications, Chapman & Hall, London, 1942.


CAMM F.J., Television Manual, Chemical publishing company, inc., 1943


FINK, Donald G., ed., Television Standards and Practicen . Selected papers from the proceedings of the National Television System Committee and its panels., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1943. (>

REISZ, Eugen, Television and telephotographic system,  New York, Patent, 10 October 1943

RIDER, John F., Cathode-Ray Tube at Work, 16th Rider, New York, 1943, 336p (>

WILSON, W., The Cathode Ray Oscillograph in Industry, Chapman & Hall, London, 1943.


DUNLAP, O., Radio's 100 Men of Science. Biographical Narratives of Pathfinders in Electronic and Television, Harper and Brothers Publication, 1944. (= Radio, 100 groote baanbrekers : biografische verhalen over baanbrekers van de radio, de televisie en de electronenleer, De Techniek, 1947)


"J.L. Baird's telechrome", Journal of the Royal Television Society, 1944, 4(3), pp.58-59.

LEE, Robert E,.  Television: The Revolution, Foreword By Dr. Lee De Forest, Essential Books, New York, 1944 

SLURZBERG M. and OSTERHELD W., Essential of Electricity for Radio and Television, McGraw Hill Book, 2nd edition, 1944.

Journal of the Television Society, Vol. 4, n.3; 1944 (>


ADAM M., "Où va la télévision ?", La Nature, 15 mars 1945, pp.90-93.

ADAM, M. "Une nouvelle caméra pour la télévision. L'isoscope Barthélemy, perfectionnment de l'iconoscope", La Nature, 1er avril 1945, pp.105-106.


EDDY, W.C, Television. The Eyes of Tomorrow, Prentice Hall, 1945.

EPSTEIN D.W., MALOFF L.G., "Projection Television"Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers, 44, 6, June 1945, pp 443-455.

HEMARDINQUER, P., "Comment on réalise la télévision en couleur", La Nature, 1er novembre 1945, pp.328 -330


KELLAWAY, F.W.,  Television for Everyman: History and Practice. John Crowther, London, (1944). 55p.

"Obus-radio et bombe télévision", La Nature, 15 décembre 1945, p.381

OSBORNE, H.S., "Coaxial Cables and Television Transmission", Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers, 44, 6, June 1945, pp.403-418.

"Télévision sur écran", La Nature, 15 août 1945, p. 255

ZWORYKIN, V. K. and MORTON, G. A., Television: The Electronics of Image Transmission, 2nd edition,  J Wiley, New York, 1945.



Radio Craft, Special Television Number, January 1948


RCA Contribution to War Effort 1937-1946 - RCA 1-3

RCA Contribution to War Effort 1937-1946 - RCA 4

RCA Contribution to War Effort 1937-1946 - RCA 5-7

RCA Contribution to War Effort 1937-1946 - RCA 8-11


TYLER, K.S., Telecasting and Color, Harcourt, Brace and Company, New York, 1946. 


​Television, vol.IV (1942-1946), Radio Corporation of America, 1947


KEMPNER S., Television encyclopedia, Fairchild Pub. Co., 1948



GOODALL, W.H., Television by pulse code modulation, Bell Telephone Laboratories, 1949.


1873-1879  1880-1889 1890-1899 1900-1909 

          1910-1919  1920-1924 1925-1929  1930-1934, 1935-1939,  1940-1949


Bibliographie : Histoire de la télévision comme système technique (de 1946 à aujourd'hui)


ANTONIONI, M.,  "Allarmi inutili", Cinema, 1940

Publicité parue dans les Procediings of the I.R.E., March 1942.

Radio Craft January 1948.JPG

Une émission d'AT&T sur le câble coaxial et le microwavd (1946). 

ATT, "Stepping Along with Television", 1946

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