Politique et économie du cinéma - Europe
Voir également
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FONTAINE G., The visibility of film on on-demand platforms: Germany, France and the United Kingdom, DGCNCT Note 5, produced by the European Audiovisual Observatory on behalf of the European Commission, Strasbourg, 2015
FONTAINE G., Current trends in public film support and perspectives on impact, Montenegro Presidency Workshop, Podgorica, 11 June 2015, European Audiovisual Observatory, 2015.
FONTAINE G. (ed.), Films on television: Origin, age and circulation, European Audiovisual Observatory, Strasbourg, 2016
FONTAINE G., SIMONE P., VOD distribution and the role of aggregators, European Audiovisual Observatory, 2017.
FONTAINE G., Films on TV: Origin, age and circulation, European Audiovisual Observatory, 2017.
FONTAINE G., The theatrical – TVOD window A sample analysis, European Audiovisual Observatory, 2019.
FONTAINE G. and SIMONE P. (ed.), The Exploitation of Film Heritage Works in the Digital Era, European Audiovisual Observatory, Strasbourg, 2016
FONTAINE G. and GRECE C., Origin of films and TV content in VOD catalogues in the EU & Visibility of films on VOD services, European Audiovisual Observatory, Strasbourg, November 2016
FONTAINE G., The visibility of films and TV content on VOD, European Audiovisual Observatory, 2017.
FONTAINE G. and SIMONE P., The access to film works in the collections of Film Heritage Institutions in the context of education and research, European Audiovisual Observatory, Strasbourg, May 2017
FONTAINE G., The visibility of films and TV content on VOD,, European Audiovisual Observatory, Strasbourg, November 2017
FONTAINE G. (ed.), Yearbook 2017/2018 Key Trends, European Audiovisual Observatory, 2019.
GAROFALO D., SCAGLIONI M., HOLDAWAY D. The International Circulation of European Cinema in the Digital Era, «Comunicazioni Sociali - Journal of Media, Performing Arts and Cultural Studies», n. 3, 2018
GRECE C. (ed.), How do films circulate on VOD services and in cinemas in the European Union?, European Audiovisual Observatory, Strasbourg, 2016
GRECE C., The origin of films in VOD catalogues, European Audiovisual Observatory, 2017.
GRECE C., The circulation of EU non-national films - A sample study: Cinema, television and transactional video on-demand, European Audiovisual Observatory, Strasbourg, November 2017
GRECE C., Films in VOD catalogues Origin, Circulation and Age, European Audiovisual Observatory, 2018.
GRECE C., The export of European films on SVOD services outside Europe, European Audiovisual Observatory, 2019.
GUBBINS M., CINE-REGIO building bridges Diversity in European Film, SampoMedia, 2016
HAMMETT-JAMART, J.,, MITRIC, P., NOVRUP REDVALL, E., (ed.) European Film and Television Co-production: Policy and Practice, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
HARROD, M, LIZ, M, TIMOSHKINA A., The Europeanness of European Cinema: Identity, Meaning, Globalization, I.B.Tauris, 2014
JIMENEZ M., KEVIN D., TALAVERA J., Focus on Animation, Produced by the European Audiovisual Observatory on behalf of the European Commission, Strasbourg, 2015
JIMENEZ M., SIMONE P., KEVIN D., ENE L., TALAVERA J., Mapping the Animation Industry in Europe, European Audiovisual Observatory on behalf of the European Commission, Strasbourg, 2015
JONES H.D., Female Film Directors in Europe: A Statistical Report on Production, Funding, Distribution and Reception, 2005-14, Mediating Cultural Encounters through European Screens(MeCETES), University of York, 2017
JONES H.D., "What Makes European Films Travel", A paper presented at the European Screens Conference University of York September 5, 2017, (MeCETES), University of York, 2017
JONES H.D., "Indie film distribution in Europe:state of play", Presentation for ‘The Constant Gardeners – What Role for Distributors in the New Film Industry Ecosystem?’,, Open Panel Organised by Europa Distribution in Partnership with KVIFF and the LUXFilm Prize, Europa Distribution 11th Annual Conference, Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, Monday 3 July, 2017
KANZLER, M. Theatrical export of European films in 2010, Key statistics A sample analysis of the distribution of European films in 10 non-European markets, European Audiovisual Observatory, 2012.
KANZLER M, The theatrical circulation of European children’s films Contient une synthèse en français Enthält eine Zusammenfassung auf Deutsch Facts & Figures. Report prepared for the 2nd KIDS Regio Forum Erfurt, 19 & 20 June 2014, European Audiovisual Observatory, 2014.
KANZLER M., European Cinema Markets Trends in 2014, European Audiovisual Observatory, 2014.
KANZLER M., The Theatrical Market of European Films Outside of Europe - Key Figures 2014, European Audiovisual Observatory, 2015 (= Le marché des salles hors Europe pour les films européens Chiffres clés 2014, Observatoire européen de l'audiovisuel, 2015 ; Die Kinoauswertung europäischer Filme außerhalb Europas Kennzahlen 2014, Europa¨siche Audiovisuelle Informationsstelle, 2015).
KANZLER, M. (ed.), The Circulation of European Films Outside Europe in 2015, European Audiovisual Observatory, 2016 (= La circulation des films européens hors d’Europe Chiffres clés 2015, Observatoire européen de l'audiovsiuel, 2016).
KANZLER M., The Circulation of European films outside Europe - Key figures 2016, European Audiovisual Observatory, 2017.
KANZLER M., The European Film Industry - Facts & Figures 2017, European Audiovisual Observatory, 2018.
KANZLER, M., Fiction film financing in Europe: A sample analysis of films released in 2016, European Audiovisual Observatory, 2018
KANZLER M., Fiction Film Financing in Europe: big picture book, European Audiovisual Observatory, 2019.
KANZLER M., Fiction film financing in Europe: A sample analysis of films released in 2017 , European Audiovisual Observatory, 2019
KANZLER M., SIMONE P., The circulation of European films outside Europe Key figures 2017, European Audiovisual Observatory, 2019.
KANZLER M., NEWMAN-BAUDAIS S., Audiovisual Media for Children in Europe: The Theatrical Circulation of European Children’s Films; Television for Children. Report prepared by the European Audiovisual Observatory for the CINEKID for Professionals Conference at the 25th CINEKID Festival Amsterdam, 18 & 19 October 2011
KEVIN D., Investments in original content by audiovisual services, DGCNCT Note B3, produced by the European Audiovisual Observatory on behalf of the European Commission, Strasbourg, 2015
KRAINHÖFER T.C., SCHREIBER K., WIEDEMANN T., BLECKER, Stories and Films Have (No) Boundaries. Study on the Programming Diversity of the Berlin International Film Festival (1980–2016),
LANGE, A., "Sources of information and reference documents on digital cinema in Europe and in the rest of the world", European Audiovisual Observatory, 2010.
LANGE A. (ed.), Yearbook / Annuaire / Jahrbuch, Film and Home video /Cinéma et vidéo / Film und video, vol.3., European Audiovisual Observatory / Observatoire européen de l'audiovisuel / Europäische Audiovisuelle Informationsstelle, 2010.
LANGE A. (ed.), Yearbook / Annuaire / Jahrbuch, Film and Home video /Cinéma et vidéo / Film und video, vol.3., European Audiovisual Observatory / Observatoire européen de l'audiovisuel / Europäische Audiovisuelle Informationsstelle, 2011.
LANGE A.,(ed.), 2012 Yearbook, Television, cinema, video and on-demand audiovisual services – the pan-European picture, European Audiovisual Observatory, 2012.
LANGE A., "Film Market Trends and Film Funding in 4 Selected European Countries", "Strategie europee per il cinema" organised by ANICA and ANEC in collaboration with the Biennale di Venezia 2012 in the framework of the 69th Mostra Internazionale d'Arte Cinematografica (Venice, Italy)
LANGE A.(ed.), 2013 Yearbook, Television, cinema, video and on-demand audiovisual services – the pan-European picture, European Audiovisual Observatory, 2013
LANGE A., "The production and circulation of films from the EU new Member States (1996-2012)", Audiovisual Summit "From MEDIA to CREATIVE EUROPE. The experiences of the MEDIA Programme in New Europe countries. Challenges for the Future" organised by the Media Desk Poland and the Polish Ministry of Culture. Warsaw (10-12 December 2013)
LANGE A.(ed.), 2014 Yearbook, Television, cinema, video and on-demand audiovisual services – the pan-European picture, European Audiovisual Observatory, 2014
LANGE A., with the collaboration of ROVI, International Solutions, Fiction on European TV channels 2006-2013 / La fiction sur les chaînes de télévision en Europe 2006-2013 / Fiktionale Formate auf europäischen Fernsehsendern 2006-2013, European Audiovisual Observatory / Observatoire européen de l'audiovisuel / Europäische Audiovisuelle Informationsstelle, 2015.
LIZ, M., Euro-Visions: Europe in Contemporary Cinema, Bloomsbury Publishing USA, 2016
MEDIASALLES, Digitalks, annuel, 2010-2016.
MEDIASALLES, European Cinema Yearbook, Mediasalles, annuel depuis 1991 (Editions 2018 et 2019)
NEWMAN-BAUDAIS, S., Public Funding for Film and Audiovisual Works in Europe , European Audiovisual Observatory, 2011.(= Les aides publiques aux oeuvres cinématographiques et audiovisuelles, Observatoire européen de l'audiovisuel, 2011).
NIKOLTCHEV S. (ed.), Die Zukunft staatlicher Beihilfen, IRIS Plus 2012-3, Europäische Audiovisuelle Informationsstelle, 2012.
NIKOLTCHEV S. (ed.), The new Cinema Communication, IRIS Plus 2014-1, European Audiovisual Observatory, 2014 (= La nouvelle communication sur le cinéma, IRIS Plus 2014-1, Observatoire européen de l'audiovisuel, 2014.
OLSBERG J., BARNES, A., Impact analysis of fiscal incentive schemes supporting film and audiovisual production in Europe, European Audiovisual Observatory, 2014. (= Les systèmes d’incitation fisscale et leur impact sur la production cinématographique et audiovisuelle en Europe, Observatoire européen de l'audiovisuel, 2014).
RANAIVOSON, H., DE VINCK S., VAN ROMPUY B., Analysis of the Legal Rules for Exploitation Windows and Commercial Practices in EU Member States and the Importance of Exploitation Windows for NewBusiness Practice, European Commission, 2012. (Annex : Information Sheets for every Member State's release windows ...)
SIMONE, P., The exploitation of catalogue films in the EU: Cinema, television and video on demand, European Audiovisual Observatory, 2018.
SIMONE P., Female directors in European cinema, European Audiovisual Observatory, 2019.
TALAVERA MILLA, J., Female directors in European films State of play and evolution between 2003 and 2012, European Audiovisual Observatory, 2014.
TALAVERA J. (ed.), Public financing for film and television content - The state of soft money in Europe, European Audiovisual Observatory, Strasbourg, 2016 (= Le financement public du cinéma et des contenus audiovisuels Etat du Soft Money en Europe, Observatoire européen de l'audiovisuel, 2016 ; Öffentliche finanzierung von Filmen und Fernsehinhalten. SoIt Money in Europa heute, Europäische Audiovisuelle Informationsstelle, 2016).
TALEVERA J., Film production in Europe Production volume, co-production and worldwide circulation, European Audiovisual Observatory, 2017
TALAVERA J., Measuring access to theatrically screened films in Eastern Europe, European Audiovisual Observatory, 2018.
WUTZ J., La diffusion du film européen dans l'Union européenne et sur le marché mondial, Institut für auslandbeziejung / Unifrance Film / Notre Europe-Fondation Jacques Delors, 2014. (= Dissemination of European Cinema in the European Union and the International Market, Institut für auslandbeziejung / Unifrance Film / Notre Europe-Fondation Jacques Delors, 2014) Die Verbreitung des Europäischen Films in der Europäischen Union und auf dem Weltmarkt, Institut für auslandbeziejung / Unifrance Film / Notre Europe-Fondation Jacques Delors, 2014)
LANGE A., "L’Europe divisée par le rire. Essai d’analyse statistique sur la circulation et le niveau d’audience des comédies dans l’Union européenne (1996-2018)", Communication au colloque « But alors You are French ?– Enjeux et état des lieux contemporains de la comédie en France » (Caen, 11-13 mars 2020)
Communication au colloque « But alors You are French ?– Enjeux et état des lieux contemporains de la comédie en France » (Caen, 11-13 mars 2020)
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