Voir également
Economie du cinéma Approches générales / International
Economie du cinéma / Europe
Economie du cinéma / Etats-Unis
Les relations cinéma / télévision
Afrique sub-saharienne
FOREST, C., Production et financement du cinéma en Afrique sud saharienne francophone (1960-2018), L'Harmattan, 2018.
GOLDEN N.D., Markets for American motion-picture equipment in Asia, Africa, and Oceania, US Department of Commerce, 1930.
Amérique latine
D'LUGO, M., LOPEZ,A.M., PODALSKY, L. (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Latin American Cinema, Routledge, 2017.
DENISSON, S.,(ed.), Contemporary Hispanic Cinema: Interrogating the Transnational in Spanish and Latin American Film, Tamesis Books, 2013
La France et les cinéma d'Amérique latine, Caravelel. Revue du monde hispanique et luso-brésilien, n.83, Presses universitaires du Mirail, 2004.
GOLDEN N.D., Latin American and Canadian markets for American motion-picture equipment, US Department of Commerce, 1929.
GOLDEN N.D., Motion picture markets of Latin America, Motion picture producers & distributors of America, inc., 1944
GOLDEN N.D., Markets for American motion-picture equipment in Asia, Africa, and Oceania, US Department of Commerce, 1930.
LENT, J.A. The Asian Film Industry, University of Texas Press, 1990
Bassin méditerranéen et monde arabe
LANGE A. (dir.), Economie du cinéma dans le bassin méditerranéen, Le Bulletin de l'IDATE, n.41, Montpellier, 1990.
MARCHETTI, D., La circulation des productions culturelles: Cinémas, informations et séries télévisées dans les mondes arabes et musulmans, Centre Jacques-Berque, 2017
Pays nordiques / Scandinavie
BONDEBJERG I., NOVRUP REDVALL E., "A Small Region in a Global World. Patterns in Scandinavian Film and Media Culture", CEMES working papers, no. 1, 2011
AR - Argentine
FINKIELMAN, J., The Film Industry in Argentina, An Illustrated Cultural History, McFarland, 2004.
AT - Autriche
GORDON, M., Regionalwirtschaftliche Filmförderung. Kosten und Nutzen, Michael Gordon Verlag, Wien, 1996.
AU - Australie
RYAN M.D., GOLDSMITH, B.(Eds.), Australian Screen in the 2000s, Palgrave macmillan, 2017.
BE - Belgique
Annuaire du cinéma et de l'audiovisuel, Communauté française de Belgique, annuel.
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WILLEMS, G., Subsidie, camera, actie ! Filmbeleid in Vlanderen (1964-2002), Academie Press, 2017.
BR - Brésil
JONHSON, R., The Film Industry in Brazil : Culture and the State, University of Pittsburgh Press, 1987.
CA - Canada
MAGDER T., Canada's Hollywood : the Canadian state and feature films, University of Toronto Press, 1993.
PECK, R.S. "The Use of Motion Pictures for Governmental Purposes", Transactions of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers, November 1926.
PENDAKUR M., Canadian dreams and American control : the political economy of the Canadian film industry, Garamond Press, 1990.
TEBILOCK, M.J., , LYON S.D., Public strategy and motion pictures : the choice of instruments to promote the development of the Canadian film production industry, Ontario Economic Council, 1982.
CH - Suisse
BOILLATT A., BRUNNER P., FLÜCKIGER B. (eds), Kino CH / Cinéma CH. Rezeption, Ästhetik, Geschichte. Réception, Esthétique, Histoire, Schüren, 2008.
CUOCCO M., "The borders of the domestic market and their importance for the economy of the film industry: the Swiss case study", European Journal of Communication, 25(2) 2010, pp. 153-167,
JEANNERET, E, PORTMANN S., Nouveau cinéma suisse et communication entre les régions linguistiques, Direction de programme du PNR 21, G. Kreis, 1991
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ZUFFEREY, N., AUBRY, P., La nouvelle loi fédérale suisse sur la culture et la production cinématographique, Observatoire européen de l'audiovisuel, 2003.
CN - Chine
CURTIN, M., Playing to the World’s Biggest Audience: The Globalization of Chinese Film and TV, University of California Press, 2007
KOKAS, A., Hollywood Made in China, University of California Press, 2017.
MPAA, The Economic Contribution of Film and Television in China in 2016, MPAA 2017
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YNG ZHU, ROSEN S., Art, Politics, and Commerce in Chinese Cinema, Hong Kong University Press, 2010.
CZ - République tchèque
Report on the State of Czech Cinematography in 2006, Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, Department of Media & Audiovisual Services, 2007
Report on the State of Czech Cinematography in 2005, Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, Department of Media & Audiovisual Services, May 2006
Report on the State of Czech Cinematography in 2004, Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, Department of Cinematography and State Funds, June 2005
Report on the State of Czech Cinematography in 2003, Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, Mass Media Department, May 2004
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Report on the State of Czech Cinematography in 2000, Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, Mass Media Department, April-May 2001
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Report on the State of Czech Cinematography in 1998, Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, Mass Media Department, April-May 1999
Report on the State of Czech Cinematography in 1997, Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, Mass Media Department, July-September 1998.
DE - Allemagne
DZ - Algérie
ALI, S.., Projet de collecte de données statistiques sur les marchés cinématographiques et audiovisuels dans 9 pays méditerranéens. Monographies nationales. 6. Algérie, Programme Euromed audiovisuel de l'Union européenne / Observatoire européen de l'audiovisuel, 2014.
EE - Estonie
MILLER, H., "Estonian Film in 1990-1998, Being Part of European Audiovisual Landscape", Original report commissionned by the European Audiovisual Observatory, 1999.
EG - Egypte
ALI, S.., Projet de collecte de données statistiques sur les marchés cinématographiques et audiovisuels dans 9 pays méditerranéens. Monographies nationales. 1. Egypte, Programme Euromed audiovisuel de l'Union européenne / Observatoire européen de l'audiovisuel, 2012.
ES- Espagne
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FR - France
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GB - Royaume-Uni
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HU - Hongrie
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IN - Inde
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IR - Iran
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IS - Islande
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IT - Italie
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JO - Jordanie
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KO - Corée du Sud
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LB - Liban
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MA - Maroc
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MD - Moldavie
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NL - Pays-Bas
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NZ - Nouvelle Zélande
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PH - Philippines
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PS - Palestine
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PT - Portugal
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RU - Russie
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