Etudes sur la télévision (1980-1989)
1950-1959 1960-1969 1970-1979 1980-1989 1990-1999
2000-2009 2010-2019
Voir également :
Ouvrages généraux sur les mass média
Paysages audiovisuels
Etudes thématiques sur la télévision
Les programmes de télévision
Economie de la télévision
ADLER, R.P. (ed.), Understanding Television. Essays on Television as a Social and Cultural Force, Praeger, New York, 1981.
ALLEMAND, E., Pouvoir et télévision, Anthropos, Paris, 1980.
ALLEN, R.C. (ed.), Channels of Discourse, The University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, 1987.
ANTOINE, F., De la télévision de l'imaginaire à l'imaginaire télévisuel, CIACO, Louvain-la-Neuve, 1988.
BAGGALEY, J., Psychology of the TV Image, Gower, 1980.
BALL-ROKEACH, S.J., ROKEACH, M. and GRUBE, J.W., The Great American values test: influencing behavior and belief through television, Free Press, New York, 1984.
BARWISE, P. and EHRENBERG, A., Television and its Audience, Sage, London, 1988.
BENNETT, T., BOYD-ROWMAN, S. MERCER, C. and WOOLACOTT, J. (eds.), Popular Television and Film, British Film Institute, London, 1981.
BERGER, A.A., Television As An instrument of Terror, Transaction Publishers, 1980
CANTOR, M.G., Prime Time Television : Content and Control, Sage, Beverly Hills, 1980.
CAZENEUVE J., Sociologie de la radiotélévision, Coll. "Que sais-je ?", PUF, Paris, 1986.
CAZENEUVE J., OULIF S., La grande chance de la télévision, Calmann-Lévy, coll. « Questions d’actualité », 1983.
CONDRY, J., The Psychology of Television, Lawrence Erlbaum, Hillsdale, NJ, 1989.
DELUCA, S.M., Television's transformation : The Next 25 years., A.S. Barnes, San Diego, 1980.
DRUMMOND, P. and PATERSON, R., (eds.), Television in Transition, British Film Institute, London, 1986.
DRUMMOND, P. and PATERSON, R., (eds.), Television and its Audience, British Film Institute, London, 1988.
ECO, U., “TV: la trasparenza perduta”, reprise de” Introduzione”, in Mauro Wolf (ed.), Tra informazione ed evasion: I programme televisivi di intrattenimento, ERI, Roma, 1981 ; repris in Sette anni di desiderio, Bompiani, Milano, 1983, pp.163-179. (=“TV : la transparence perdue”, in ECO, U., La guerre du faux, Traduit de l’italien par Myriam Tanant, Grasset et Fasquelle, Paris, 1985, (Collection Biblio Essais, Le Livre de Poche, pp. 196-220.; « A Guide to the Television of the 1980s”, in Zygmunt G. Barański and Robert Lumley (ed.), Culture and Conflict in Postwar Italy, Essays on Mass and Popular Culture, University of Reading European and International Studies, Springer, 1990, pp. 245-254.
FISKE, J., Television Culture, Routledge, London, 1987.
GITLIN, T., The Whole World is Watching, University of California Press, Berkeley, CA, 1980.
GITLIN, T., Inside Prime Time, Pantheon, New York, 1983.
GITLIN, T. (ed.), Watching Television, Pantheon, New York, 1986.
GOODHARDT, G.J., EHRENBERG, A. and COLLINS, M.A., The Television Audience, 2nd edition, Gower, Aldershot, Hants, 1987.
GUNTER, B. and SVENNEVIG, M., Behind and in front of the screen, John Libbey / IBA, London, 1987.
HALL, S. "Encoding/Decoding in Television Discourse" in HALL, S., HOBSON, A., LOWE, P. and WILLIS, P., Culture, Media Language: Working Papers in Cultural Studies, Hutchinson, London, 1980.
HIMMELSTEIN H., On the Small Screen: New Approaches in the Television and Video Criticism, Praeger, New York, 1981.
KAPLAN, E.A., Regarding Television: Critical Approaches - An Anthology, American Film Institute, Univeristy Publications of America, Los Angeles, 1983.
LOCHARD, G., SOULAGES, J.-C., La communication télévisuelle, Armand Colin, 1998.
LUSTED, D., Raymond Williams, Film Television Culture, British Film Institute, London, 1989.
MILLER, M.C., Boxed In: The Culture of TV, Northwestern University Press, Evanston, IL, 1988.
MISSIKA, J.-L. et WOLTON, D., La Folle du Logis, La télévision dans les sociétés démocratiques, Gallimard, Paris, 1983.
MONTGOMERY, K., Target: Prime Time, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1989.
MORCELLINI, M. (ed.), Lo spettacolo del consumo. Televisione e cultura di massa nella legitimazione sociale, Franco Angeli, Milano, 1986.
MORLEY, D., The Nationwide Audience : Structure and Decoding British Film Institute, 1980.
MORLEY, D., Family Television, Cultural Power and Domestic Leisure, With an introduction by Stuart Hall, Comedia, 1986.
NESTMANN, F., Fernsehen im Urteil der Zuschauer: Eine empirische Analyse von Medienkritik und Medienbewußtsein, Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1980.
NEWCOMB, H. and ALLEY, R.S., The Producer's Medium, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1983.
NEWCOMB, H., Television, the Critical View, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1987.
PIEMME, J.-M., La télévision comme on la parle, Labor/Nathan, 1980.
Regards sur la télévision., Réseaux, volume 6, n°32, 1988.
ROWLAND, W.D. and WATKINS, B. (eds), Interpreting Television, Sage, London, 1984.
SEITER E. and al., Remote Control, Television, Audiences and Cultural Power, Routledge, London, 1989.
SILVERSTONE, R., The message of television: myth and narrative in contemporary culture, Heinemann, London, 1981.
SOUCHON M., Petit écran, grand public, INA / La Documentation française, Paris, 1980.
TANNENBAUM, P.H., The entertainment functions of television, Erlbaum, Hillsdale, New Jersey, 1980.
Trois semaines de télévision. Une comparaison internationale, UNESCO, Paris, 1982.
WOBER, J.M., The Use and Abuse of Television. A Social Psychological Analysis of the Changing Screen, Routledge, 1988.
WOBER, M. and GUNTER, B., Television and Social Control, Avebury, Aldershot, 1988.