Textes d'Hugo Gernsback sur la télévision
Cette collection de textes d'Hugo Gerrnsback sur la télévision a été rendue possible par le repérage des textes antérieurs à 1940 effectués par George Shiers dans sa bibliographiue Early Television, (1992) et par la numérisation des magazines des années 1920-1930 du site Radio World History.de David E.F. Gleason

Alfred EISENSTAEDT, Hugo Gernsback portant ses Teleyglasses, Life, 9 September 1963

Ecrits de Gernsback sur la télévision
GERNSBACK. H., "Television and the Telephot", Modern Electrics, December 1909
GERNSBACK, H., "Ralph 124C 41+", Modern Electrics, April 1911 - February 1912.
GERNSBACK. H.,, "Television and the Telephot", Electrical Experimenter, n.6, May 1918, pp. 12, 13,51 ; June 1918, pp. 95, 96, 124, 125
GERNSBACK, H., "Radio in 1945", Radio News, Vol.2, n.1, July 1920
GERNSBACK, H. "The radiophot. Television by radio", Science and Invention, July 1922, pp.234, 235, 290
GERNSBACK, H., "Radio Vision", Radio News, n.5, December 1923, pp. 681, 823, 824
GERNSBACK, H., "The Radio Controlled Television Plane", The Experimenter, November 1924
GERNSBACK, H., "Radio in 1935", Radio News, May 1925, pp. 2050, 2051, 2086, 2987.
GERNSBACK, H., Ralph 124C 41+: A Romance of the Year 2660, Stadford, 1925
GERNSBACK, H., "Radio Television", Radio News, May 1926, p.1521
GERNSBACK, H., "Television to the Front", Radio News, June 1927,p.1419
GERNSBACK, H., "After Television --- What?", Science and Invention, June 1927, pp.103
GERNSBACK, H., "Preface"in SECOR H.W. and KRAUS J.H., All About Television including Experiments, Experimenter Publishing Co, 1927
GERNSBACK, H., "What to Expect of Television", Radio News, August 1928
GERNSBACK, H., "Television IS Here", Television, Vol. 1, n°2, (October) 1928
GERNSBACK, H., "What is Coming in Television", Radio News, October 1928
GERNSBACK, H., "Facts on Television", Science and Invention, October 1928
GERNSBACK, H., "Future Progess in Television", Radio News, November 1928
"'Multiple television' - A Forecast", Radio News, December 1928,pp. 528, 529, 589, 590
GERNSBACK, H., "The Television Art", Television News, Vol. 1, Number 1, March-April 1931
GERNSBACK, H., "An Open Letter to the Federal Radio Commission", Television News, May-June 1931
GERNSBACK, H., "Television Technique", Television News, July-August 1931
GERNSBACK, H., "Television Steps Out", Television News, September-October 1931
GERNSBACK, H., "What Size Image ?", Television News, November-December 1931
GERNSBACK, H., "The Tele-Theatre", Television News, January-February 1932
GERNSBACK, H., "Must We Scan ?", Television News, March April 1932
GERNSBACK, H., "Cathode Ray Tube or Disc?", Television News, July-August 1932
GERNSBBACK, H., 'Whats is Wrong with Television ?", Radio-Craft, September 1932
GERNSBACK, H., "Television in Europe", Television News, September-October 1932
GERNSBACK, H., "The Radio Set of 1950", Radio Craft, November 1955
GERNSBACK", H., "What about Television?", Radio Craft, February 1934
GERNSBACK, H., "The Radio Set of 1950", Radio Craft, February 1935
GERNSBACK, H., "Is Television There ?", Radio Craft, August 1935
GERNSBACK, H., "Presenting the Multiple-Image Television Receiver", Radio Craft, August 1935
GERNSBACK, H., "Television Problems", Radio Craft, August 1936
GERNSBACK, H., "The Future of Short Waves", Short Waves Craft, October 1936
GERNSBACK, H., "Television Economics", Radio Craft, August 1937
GERNSBACK, H. , "Visual Broadcasting", Radio-Craft, February 1938
GERNSBACK, H., "The Television Age", Radio-Craft, August 1938
GERNSBACK, H., "The Television Racket", Radio-Craft, January 1939
GERNSBACK, H., "Television Angles", Radio-Craft, June 1939
GERNSBACK, H., "The Television Boom", Radio-Electronics, March 1949
GERNSBACK, H., "40 Years of Television", Radio-Electronics, March 1949
GERNSBACK, H., "Television in 1975", Radio Electronics, January 1950
GERNSBACK, H., "The Tele-Theater. The next great television development", Radio-Electronics, January 1951
GERNSBACK, H., "Television at the Crossroads", Radio Electronics, January 1952
GERNSBACK; H., "New Television Trends", Radio Electronics, January 1953
GERNSBACK H., "Color TV ProblemsThe new multichrome sets will make TV history", Radio Electronics, January 1954
GERNSBACK H., "Universal TV Receiver. Television, like progress, evolves continuoulsy..."
Radio-Electronics, January 1955
GERNSBACK, H., "The Future of Color TV. A glimpse and forecast of coming multichrome TV", Radio Electronics, January 1956
GERNBACK, H., "Television of the FutureFuture Progress WIll Effect Vast Changes in TV", Radio Electronics, January 1957
GERNSBACK, H., "Future TV Possibilities. The Greatest TV Developments Are Still to Come", Radio Electronics, February 1958
GERNSBACK, H., "Stored Television Reception. Television Receivers' Next Great Advance - Home Recorders", Radio Electronics, January 1959
GERNSBACK, H., "Superception. The Next Development in Radio and Television", Radio Electronics, April 1960
ULYSSES, M., "Teleyglasses", Radio-Electronics, April 1963, pp.43-44)
Publications sur Hugo GERNSBACK
O'NEIL P., "The Amazing Hugo Gernsback, Prophet of Science. Barnum of the Space Age", Life, 9 September 1963, pp. 72-80.
BACHRACH F., "Hugo Gernsback Is Dead at 83; Author, Publisher and Inventor; 'Father of Modern Science Fiction' ", New York Times, 20 August 1967
MOSKOWITZ, S., Hugo Gernsback: Father of science fiction, Criterion Linotyping & Printing Co, 1959
SHUNAMAN, F., "50 Years of Electronics", Radio Electronics. Gernsback Publications. 50 (10), October 1979, pp. 42–69.
SIEGEL, R., Hugo Gernsback, Father of Modern Science Fiction: With Essays on Frank Herbert and Bram Stoker, Borgo Press, 1988
STRASHOWER D., . "A Dreamer Who Made Us Fall in Love with the Future". Smithsonian. 21 (5):, (August 1990), pp.44–55.
McELROY, G., "Remembering Hugo Gernsback", QST, February 1995, pp. 37-39.
BLEIER E.F., Science Fiction: The Gernsback Years, Kent State University Press, 1998.
WESTFAHL, G., The Mechanics of Wonder: The Creation of the Idea of Science Fiction. Liverpool University Press, 1998
LANGE A., "La popularisation du projet de la television a travers la presse des radio-amateurs et t'apparition des premiers titres specialises", Site Histoire de la télévision, 2002 - Version mise à jour
MASSIE K. and PERRY S.D., "Hugo Gernsback and Radio Magazines: An Influential Intersection in Broadcast History", Journal of Radio Studies, Volume 9, No.2, 2002 2, 2002, pp.264-281
ASHLEY M., The Gernsback Days, Wildside Press, 2004
BANKS, Michael A. "Hugo Gernsback: The man who invented the future. Part 3. Merging science fiction into science fact". The Citizen Scientist. Society for Amateur Scientists, 1October 2004).
WESTFAHL G., Hugo Gernsback & the Century of Science Fiction. McFarland, 2007
STECKLER L., Hugo Gernsback - A Man Well Ahead of His Time, BookSurge.com, 2009
WYTHOFF G., (ed.), The Perversity of Things: Hugo Gernsback on Media, Tinkering, and Scientifiction., University of Minnesota Press, 2016
ASSELIN, O., "Les lunettes télévisuelles / Television Eyeglasses", in Asselin, Olivier (dir.). Dispositifs immersifs rapprochés et individuels / Individual Up-Close Immersive Viewing Systems. Montréal : CinéMédias, 2023.
"Hugo Gernsback", fr.wikipedia.com
"Hugo Gernsback", en.wikipedia.com
A Very Gernsback Christmas with Felicia Kreuzer, Chaîne Youtube, AWA Communication Technologies Museum, 2022
Hugo Gernsback, Le Père de la Science-Fiction #5 SF Theory, ChaînE Youtube SF Theory
7 Inventions Délirantes du Père de la Science-Fiction ! (Hugo Gernsback)
Chaîne YouTube Epic Teaching of History