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Internet, NTIC, nouveaux services, culture numérique (1990-1999)

2000-2009     2010-2019

Approches générales

BENEDIKT, M. (ed.), Cyberspace. First Steps, MIT Press, 1991.


BERA M., MECHOULAN, E., La machine Internet, Odile Jacob, 1999

BOLLIER D., The Future of Community and Personal Identity in the Coming Electronic Culture. A Report of the Annual Aspen Institute Roundtable on Information Technology (3rd, Aspen, Colorado, August 18-21, 1994).

CAIRNCROSS F., The Death of Distance: How the Communications Revolution Will Change Our Lives, Harvard Business School Press, 1997


CASTELLS, M., The information age  : economy, society and culture,  2 vol., Blackwell, 1997 ; 2nd edition, 3 vol.John Wiley & Sons, 2010 (v.1 The Rise of the Network Society,  vol;2; The Power of Identityvol.3 End of Millenium) (= L'ère de l'information, 3 vol. Fayard, 1997-1998)

COLEMAN, A.D. et al., The Digital Evolution,  : visual communication in the electronic age : essays, lectures and interviews, 1967-1998,  Nazraeli Press, 1998.

COTTON, B., OLIVER, R., Understanding Hypermedia, Phaidon, 1993.

COZIC, C.P.  (ed.) The Information Hinghway, Greenhaven Press, 1996. 

DOHENY-FARINA, S., The wired neighborhood, Yale University Press, 1996.

FLICHY, P., "Internet ou la communauté scientifique idéale", Réseaux, n°97, 1999, pp.77-120.

HUITEMA, C.,  Et Dieu créa l'Internet., Eyrolles, 1996

JONES S.G., (ed.) CyberSociety : computer-mediated communication and community, Sage, 1995.

JONES S.G. (ed.), Virtual culture : identity and communication in cybersociety, Sage, 1997.

JONES S.G. (ed.), CyberSociety 2.0 : revisiting computer-mediated communication and community, Sage, 1998.

LESSIG, L., Code: And Other Laws Of Cyberspace, Basic Books, 1999

MOSCO, V., The Political Economy of Communication: Rethinking and Renewal, SAGE, 1996

NEGROPONTE, N., Being Digital, Vintage Books, 1995. (= L'homme numérique, Robert Laffont, 1995).

PAVLICK, N. New Media Technology: Cultural and Commercial Perspectives, Allyn and Bacon, 1996

PORTER D. (ed.), Internet Culture, Routledge, 1996.

POSTER M. The Second Media Age, Polity Press, 1995.

RHEINGOLD, H., The Virtual Community: Homesteading on the Electronic Frontier, Addison Wesley, 1993., Revised edition, MIT Press,  2000

RUSSELL NEWMAN, W., The Future of the Mass Audience, Cambridge University Press, 1991

SOLA POOL I., Technologies Without Boundaries : On Telecommunication in a Global Age, Harvard University Press, 1990.

VITALIS, A. (dir.), Médias et nouvelles technologies. Pour une socio-politique des usages, Apogée, 1994.

WEBSTER, F., Theories of the Information Society, Routledge, 1995, 4th edition, 2014..

WOLTON, D., , Internet et après : une théorie critique des nouveaux médias, Flammarion, 1999.

Pré-histoire d'Internet : télématique, autoroutes de l'information

COHILL, A.M., KAVANAUGH, A., Community Networks--Lessons from Blacksburg, Virginia, Artech House, Inc, 1997.


LACROIX J.G.., MIEGE B., TREMPLAY G. (dir), De la télématique aux autoroutes électroniques. Le grand projet reconduit, Presses universitaires de Grenoble / Presses universitaires du Québec, 1994.

LACROIX J.G., TREMBLAY G. (sous la direction de), Les autoroutes de l'information. Un produit de la convergence, Presses de l'Université de Québec, 1995.


ALBERT R. et alii, "Diameter of the World-Wide Web"Nature, volume 401, pages130–131 (1999)

HUBERMAN, B.A. and ADAMIC  L. A., « Growth dynamics of the World-Wide Web », Nature, 401, 1999, p. 131.


JONES S., Doing Internet Research: Critical Issues and Methods for Examining the Net, Sage, 1998.

Analyse économique

GENSOLIEN, M., "La création de valeur sur Internet", Réseaux, vol. 17, n°97, 1999, pp. 15-76.


GODHABER, M.H., "The Attention Economy and the Net", First Monday,  Volume 2, Number 4 - 7 April 1997

Services audiovisuels

LE FLOCH-ANDERSEN L. (ed.), Le secteur audiovisuel se branche sur Internet, Sequentia, n.10, Observatoire européen de l'audiovisuel, 1997.

OXBROW N., KIBBY P., WHITE M., European Multimedia Market Information. An Analysis of the Supply and Demand .A report by TFLP for the European Audiovisual Observatory, European Audiovisual Observatory, 1997

Culture numérique

BEY H., TAZ Zone autonome temporaire, L'éclat, 1997.


BOLTER J.D., Der digitale Faust, Philosophie des Computer-Zeitalter, Okytogon, 1990.

GURAK, L.J., Persuasion and privacy in cyberspace : the online protests over Lotus MarketPlace and the Clipper chip, Yale University Press, 1997.


HAYWARD P. and WOLLEN T. (eds.), Future visions. New technologies of the screen, BFI, London, 1993.

JOHNSON, S., Interface Culture, Basic Books, 1999.

LEESON, L.H., Clicking In : Hot Links To a Digital Culture, Bay Press, 199

LEVY P., Les technologies de l'intelligence, L’Avenir de la pensée à l’ère informatique, La Découverte, 1990.

LEVY P., L'intelligence collective, Pour une anthropologie du cyberspace La Découverte, 1994.

LUNENFELD, P. (ed.), The Digital Dialectic : New Essays on New Media, MIT Press, 1999.

MAGNENAT THALMANN, N.,  THALMANN D., (eds.), Artificial Life and Virtual Reality, John Wiley, 1995.


MARKHAM, A.N., Life Online: Researching Real Experience in Virtual Space, Rowman Altamira, 1998

MOLES A., Art et ordinateur, Casterman, 1971. Nouvelle édition revue et augmentée, avec la collaboration d'Elisabeth Rohmer, Blusson , 1990.


MURRAY, J.A., Hamlet on the Holodeck: The Future of Narrative in Cyberspace, The MIT Press, 1997. Updated edition, 2017.

PARENTE, A., (org.) Imagem-máquina: a era das tecnologias do virtual, Editoria 34, 1993.

PENNY S. (ed.), Critical Issues in Electronic Media, State University of New York Press, New York, 1995.

SHIELDS? R.M.  Cultures of the Internet: Virtual Spaces, Real Histories, Living Bodies, Sage, 1996;

TURKLE, S., "Virtuality and its Discontents, Searching for Community in Cyberspace", The American Prospect, vol.7, n°24, 1996.

TURKLE S., Life on Screen: Identity in the Age of the Internet, Simon & Schuster, 1995.

WATTS, D., Small Worlds: The Dynamics of Networks Between Order and Randomness, Princeton University Press, 1999.

Internet et sphère publique

BIEBER Christoph, Politische Projekte im Internet: Online-Kommunikation und politische Öffentlichkeit, Campus Verlag, 1999.

BROWNING, Graeme, Electronic Democracy: Using the Internet to Transform American Politics, C T Online Link, 1996 ; 2nd edition, Information Today, 2002

CORRADO A. and FIRESTONE C.M., Elections in Cyberspace: Toward a New Era in American Politics, Aspen Institute, 1996.

GROSSMAN, L.K. The Electronic Republic: Reshaping Democracy in the Information Age, Viking, 1995.

SNIDER J.H., "New Media, Potential Information, & Democratic Accountability: A Case Study of Government Access Community Media", Prepared for delivery at the 1996 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, The San Francisco Hilton and Towers, August 29 - September 1, 1996.


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