Ouvrages généraux sur les moyens de communication de masse (1940-1949)
1920-1929 1930-1939 1940-1949 1950-1959 1960-1969
1970-1979 1980-1989 1990-1999 2000-2009 2010-2019
Voir également Théories de la culture, de la communication, de l'image
ADORNO, T.W., Current of Music : Eléments pour une théorie de la radio, (1938-1941), Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, 2010.
BRYSON, L. (ed.), The Communication of Ideas, A series of adresses Cooper Square Publisher, New York, 1948.
CANTRIL, A.H. The Invasion from Mars: A Study in the Psychology of Panic, Princeton University Press, 1940. New edition with a new introduction by A.H. Cantril, Transaction Publishers, 2005.
HOVLAND, C., LUMSDAINE, A. and SHEFFIELD, F., Experiments on Mass Communication, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1949, reedition, Princeton University Press, 14 mars 2017
KLAPPER J., The Effects of Mass Media, Bureau of Applied Social Research, Columbia University, 1949.
LASSWELL, H.D., SMITH, B.L., CASEY, R.D., Propaganda, Communication and Public Opinion, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1946, 2nd edition 2015.
LASSWELL H. and LEITES M., The Language of Politics: Studies in Quantitative Semantics, George W. Stewart Publisher, New York, 1949, 2nd edition, Literary Licensing, LLC, 2011, 2nd edition LuluPress, 2018.
LAZARSFELD, P.F., Radio and Printed Page, Duell Sloan & Pearce, New York, 1940.
LAZARSFELD, P.F., "Administrative and Critical Communications Research", Studies in Philosophy and Social Science, n.9, 1941. (in DURHAM J., SIMONSON P., Mass Communication and American Social Thought: Key Texts, 1919-1968, Rowman & Littlefield, 2004)
LAZARSFELD, P.F., Radio Research 1941, Duell Sloan & Pearce, New York, 1941.
LAZARSFELD, P.F., and MERTON, R.K., "Studies in Radio and Film Propaganda", Transactions of the New York Academy of Science, VI, 1943.
LAZARSFELD, P.F. and STANTON, F., Radio Research 1942-3, Duell Sloan & Pearce, New York, 1944.
LAZARSFELD P.F., BERELSON B. and GAUDET H., The People's Choice, How the Voter Makes Up His Mind in a Presidential Campaign, Columbia University Press, New York, 1944.
LAZARSFELD, P.F., FIELD, H., The People Look at Radio, University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, 1946.
LAZARSFELD, P.F. and KENDAL, P., Radio Listening in America, The People Look at Radio Again, Prentice Hall, New York, 1948.
LAZARSFELD, P.F. and STANTON, F., Communication Research 1948-49, Harper & Bros., New York, 1949.
MERTON, R.K., Mass Persuasion. The Social Psychology of a War Bond Dreive, Harper, New York, 1946. New edition : Howard Fertig, 2004
MILLER, C.R., The Process of Persuasion, Crown Publishers, New York, 1946.
QUENTIN, P., La propagande politique, une technique nouvelle, Plon, Paris, 1943.
SCHRAMM, W., Mass Communication, University of Illinois Press, Urbana, 1949.
STOETZEL, J., Théorie des opinions, Presses universitaires de France, Paris, 1943., Réédition L'Harmattan, 2006.