Arts de la scène (Danse, Théâtre)
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Les dramatiques de télévision
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HAWES, W., American Television Drama. The Experimental Years, The University of Alabama Press, 1996.
KINDEM, G., The Live Television Generation of Hollywood Film Directors, Interviews with Seven Directors, McFarland & Company, 1991.
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Shakespeare au cinéma et à la télévision
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COURSEN, H.R., Teaching Shakespeare With Film and Television : A Guide, Greenwood Publishing Group, 1997.
COURSEN, H.R., Shakespeare Translated: Derivatives on Film and TV, Peter Lang, 2005.
COURSEN, H.R., Watching Shakespeare on Television, Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1993.
DAVIES, A., WELLS, S., Shalespeare and the Moving Image. The Plays on Film and Television, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1994.
GRANT, C., As you lite it. Audiovisual Shakespeare, British Universities Film & Video Council, London, 1992.
KELLER J.R., STRATYNER, L. (Eds.), Almost Shakespeare: Reinventing His Works for Cinema and Television, McFarland, 2004.
McKEMMAN, L. and TERRIS, O. (ed.), Walking Shadows : Shakespeare in the National Film and Television Archive, British Film Institute, London, 1994.
PILKINGTON, A.G., Screening Shakespeare from Richard II to Henry V, University of Delaware Press, 1991.
WILLIS, S., The BBC Shakespeare Plays : Making the Television Canon, University of North California Press, 1991.
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